COD 2020 - D325

Webinar - Cultural Programme - Reading and media session on African American Literature: Poverty and Resilience in Fences, a theater play by August Wilson (1983)

Literature teachers and literature readers

1 sesiones, inicia: 17-Oct

Ficha del curso

Ciclo: 2020
Nivel: A Distancia
Idioma: Inglés
Estado: Terminado
Lugar: A Distancia
Capacitador/es: Martha Patricia De Cunto
Imprimir curso
Colegios Afiliados
No arancelado
Centros de Examen
ARS 1200.00
No afiliados
ARS 1200.00


Sesiones Fechas Inicia Termina
1 17 Octubre 2020 10:00 am 11:30 am


Martha Patricia De Cunto

She holds a Master of Arts in Literary Linguistics from the University of Nottingham, UK and is currently doing a PhD in Literature at the University of Buenos Aires. She is also pursuing a Master's Degree in Cultural Studies at UNR. She has been a lecturer in American Literature, Children's Literature, YAL Literature and Introduction to Literary Studies at I.E.S. Lenguas Vivas "Juan Ramón Fernández". She has also taught Creative Writing at ISP “Joaquín V. González”. She has been a teacher of Language and Literature in several schools in Buenos Aires for more than 30 years.
Literature teachers and literature readers
- Become acquainted with the main characteristics of African American Literature that appear in the play.
- Discuss the historical and social contexts of the play.
- Discuss the use of EBONICS or African American English.
- Explore how the author understands racial oppression and deals with it.
1) The concept of Trickster
2) Slave narratives, neo-slave narratives, autobiography.
3) Racial Pride
4) The importance of the "blues" in African American Literature and in the play
This is a remote workshop. The facilitator will present the topics. Participants will be required to work on extracts to explore key moments in the novel. Due to time constraints and the length of the book, we will not be able to analyze the whole play in great detail. This workshop will serve as an introduction to the play. Further analysis outside the workshop will be required if teachers want to teach this literary text at school.
Zoom: Date: 17/10
Time: 10.00 a.m. - 11.30 a.m.
- Barris, Kenya (2014 ) Black-ish. ABC.
- Fanon, Frantz (1952) Black Skin, White Masks Translated by Charles Lam Markmann. London: Pluto Press. 2008 Print.
- Gates H. Jr & McKay, N. (eds) (1997) The Norton Anthology: African American Literature. United States: W.W.Norton & - Company, Inc.
- Gates, H. Jr.(1994)Essays on the Drama of August Wilson. Ed. Alan Nadel. Iowa City: U of Iowa P,. 67-85
-----------(1989) The Signifying Monkey: A Theory of African-American Literary Criticism; New York, Oxford University Press.
- Jones, B.F. (1966) “The Struggle for Identity” The British Journal of Sociology Vol. 17 No. 2 Published by Wiley (pp.107-121)