COD 2021 - D401

Cambridge Week: Navigating Exam Classes: Designing Learning Itineraries with Students in Mind

For teachers at all levels

1 sesiones, inicia: 08-Feb

Ficha del curso

Ciclo: 2021
Nivel: A Distancia
Idioma: Inglés
Estado: Terminado
Lugar: A Distancia
Capacitador/es: Magíster Mariano Quinterno
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Sesiones Fechas Horario
1 08 Febrero 2021 Sesión a distancia


Magíster Mariano Quinterno

Magíster Mariano Quinterno
Mariano is a graduate teacher of English from Instituto Superior del Profesorado “Dr. Joaquín V. González”. He has also done a post-graduate course in Education at Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. He holds an M.A. in Applied Linguistics to the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language, Universidad de Jaén, Spain. He is currently pursuing his Ph.D. in Education (Programa Interuniversitario de Doctorado, UNTREF, UNLa, UNSAM). He is a lecturer in Language II and III at Instituto Nacional Superior del Profesorado Técnico, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. He teaches American Literature at Instituto Superior del Profesorado “Dr. Joaquin V. Gonzalez.” He is a tenured teacher at Colegio Nacional de Buenos Aires. He has co-authored the book Construyendo puentes hacia otras lenguas: reflexiones sobre la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras en la escuela media (La Crujía, 2009). He has lectured on ELT methodology in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Perú, Paraguay and Uruguay.
For teachers at all levels
Before teachers embark on a new unit of work, it is of paramount importance that they reflect on the content they aim to teach, its organization and the best way to approach it in an attempt to design learning-oriented lessons. Exam classes pose an added challenge: teachers also need to equip students with an exam-survival toolkit. This presentation purports to explore innovative ways in which teachers can plan learning itineraries so that their students can develop both their linguistic competence and their critical thinking skills while still working on exam-specific strategies.