COD 2021 - D566

Webinar - Making the Most out of Google Meet

School teachers who are just starting to work with Google Workspace for Education Fundamentals (former G Suite for Education) and want to get a better understanding of Google Meet & how to use it to deliver virtual classes

1 sesiones, inicia: 31-Ago

Ficha del curso

Ciclo: 2021
Nivel: A Distancia
Idioma: Inglés
Estado: Terminado
Lugar: A Distancia
Capacitador/es: Ms. Jennifer Verschoor, Ms. María de los Ángeles Suárez
Imprimir curso
Colegios Afiliados
No arancelado
Centros de Examen
ARS 1800.00
No afiliados
ARS 1800.00


Sesiones Fechas Inicia Termina
1 31 Agosto 2021 06:00 pm 07:30 pm


Jennifer Verschoor

Jennifer Verschoor graduated from St. Andrew's Scots School. She holds a degree in Literary, Technical and Legal Translation as well as a Bachelor's degree in Educational Management, English Teaching and ICT in the Classroom validated by Trinity College London. She holds an MA in Virtual Environments and a Specialization in Education and ICT offered by the Ministry of Education in Argentina. She is the co-author of My First Digital Journey, an ebook published by The Round in December 2012. Currently she is working for the British Council in Argentina and Chile, ESSARP, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Cambridge English and SimpleK12 giving teacher training courses on the integration of ICT. She has been hired by SBS International to co-moderate TIC en el AULA, nominated for an ELTon Award in 2013 under the category Local Innovation.

María de los Ángeles Suárez

Maria de los Angeles graduated as “Profesor en Inglés e Inglés Técnico” at “Instituto Nacional Superior del Profesorado Técnico” in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She also holds a degree as Profesora de Inglés para el Primer y Segundo Ciclo de la E.G.B. She has successfully completed the requirements to be recognized as a Microsoft Certified Educator. She has taught English as Foreign Language at Primary and Secondary School for 16 years. She is a Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert since 2015 and a Skype Master Teacher since 2017. She is currently working as Multimedia Lab Teacher for upper forms at St. Brigid’s School. She attended Microsoft Global Education Exchange (E2) in Toronto, Canada in 2017, since her project “Around the World in a Sway, Tales of Skype in the Classroom Adventures” was one of the projects selected by Microsoft Argentina to represent the country in the Exchange.
School teachers who are just starting to work with Google Workspace for Education Fundamentals (former G Suite for Education) and want to get a better understanding of Google Meet & how to use it to deliver virtual classes
During this course participants will
· Enhance their daily virtual practice with the use of all Google Meet functionalities
· Understand how to install and enhance virtual lessons with the use of Chrome extensions for Google Meet.
· Understand and perform “little tricks” in order to be able to see all students while sharing screen.
· Good screen-sharing practices in Google Meet.
· Learning how to create welcome slides with a countdown.
· Understanding the different ways to create or start a Google Meet Video conference.
· Installing Google Meet extensions to make your experience even better.
· Tricks to see your students when presenting your screen
· Understanding Google Meet functionalities
In this course, teachers will learn how to effectively use Google Meet ( a video conferencing tool) in their daily work in a hybrid model. This course is aimed for teachers who are just starting to work with Google Workspace for Education Fundamentals (former G Suite for Education) and need to get a better understanding of Google Meet functionalities.
To be shared with participants during the webinar.