COD 2021 - D585

Sharing Good Practice in Uncertain Times: Primary level (Wellbeing and The Arts)

Teachers at Primary school level

1 sesiones, inicia: 11-Ago

Ficha del curso

Ciclo: 2021
Nivel: A Distancia
Idioma: Inglés
Estado: Terminado
Lugar: A Distancia
Capacitador/es: Ms. Rocío Russo, Mr. Brenda Passarelli MA, Mr. María Paula del Olmo MA
Imprimir curso
Colegios Afiliados
No arancelado
Centros de Examen
ARS 1800.00
No afiliados
ARS 1800.00


Sesiones Fechas Horario
1 11 Agosto 2021 Sesión a distancia


Rocío Russo

Brenda Passarelli

María Paula del Olmo

Teachers at Primary school level
1. Winds of freedom/ Aires de libertad
Time: 5.30 p.m.
Rocío Russo
Rocío Russo is an English teacher for Primary and Secondary school level graduated from Instituto Superior de Formación Docente "St. Trinneans".
She has been teaching English at primary school level since 2005 at Instituto St. Trinneans, Pilgrims’ College, St. Luke’s and Michael Ham.

This was a bilingual project, carried out by 5th grade students together with their Spanish and English teachers. They investigated the events that led to the Argentinian revolution in 1810, its causes and effects. Among these, they found that both the American and the French revolution bore connections with ours.
The children also worked on the play "Les Miserables" with their Drama teacher and prepared a virtual play for May 25th.

2. Working on kindness and empathy in the Literature class!
Time: 5.50 p.m.
Brenda Passarelli
Licenciada y profesora en Lengua Inglesa, egresada en la Universidad del Salvador. Amplia experiencia en la enseñanza de la Lengua y la Literatura en la escuela primaria y secundaria. Durante diez años se desempeñó como profesora de Lengua, Literatura y escritura en distintos colegios bilingües de zona norte. Actualmente se desempeña como docente de Literature de 6to grado de primaria en The Global School. Es también docente de Literature (IGCSE) en 4to y 5to año en el Colegio Cardenal Pironio y Pilgrims' College; y profesora de Reading and Writing. Además, realiza talleres de Literatura Inglesa para adultos y desarolló una cuenta educativa en Instagram llamada @brendateaches donde comparte ideas, proyectos y ofrece talleres y webinars.

In this webinar participants will explore ways to engage students into our Literature classes through projects that will make them analyse and recognize how Literature can teach us to be and feel better. The main objective is to make students reflect on their own lives, attitudes and behaviours while reading and analysing poems and stories.

3. Dance, sing and perform in the virtual world!
Time: 6.10 p.m.
María Paula del Olmo
María Paula del Olmo is an actress, playwright, director and teacher. She has a Degree in Theatre and is working on her thesis for Master in Playwriting in the National University of Arts. Her plays and movie scripts have been selected for several labs, festivals and contests in Canada, Colombia, Chile, Peru and Argentina. She co-created “Feria de Dramaturgias (FeDras)”, a yearly playwriting festival. She teaches playwriting and scriptwriting in the National University of Arts and has been the Junior School Drama Teacher at Florida Day School for fifteen years.

Theatre is a live art; it is all about the present moment. This is why, all throughout 2020, it was a big challenge to develop virtual activities related to performing arts. Our main objective was to find different tasks for the kids to interact and work together, while offering theatre as a way to express themselves, learn and enjoy. Listening to the children's needs and trying to be creative as teachers was the key to generate an inspiring environment and produce “Virtual Theatre Presentations”. We would like to share this experience with you.
The structure of this webinar will consist in three consecutive 20’ presentations followed by a 10’ Q & A section. We will be using the Zoom platform for this webinar.